The Laws

The Way It Is . . .

  1. "The Law of Avoiding Oversell"
    When putting cheese in a mousetrap, always leave room for the mouse.

  2. "The Law of Common Sense"
    Never accept a drink from a urologist.

  3. "The Law of Volunteering"
    If you dance with a grizzly bear, you had better let him lead.

  4. "The Law of Self Sacrifice"
    When you starve with a tiger, the tiger starves last.

  5. "Weiler's Law"
    Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.

  6. "The Law of Reality"
    Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.

  7. "Law of Probable Dispersal"
    Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

  8. "Law of Volunteer Labor"
    People are always available for work in the past tense.

  9. "Conway's Law"
    In any organization there is one person who knows what is going on. That person will be fired.

  10. "The Steel Law of Distribution"
    They what has some... They gets more.

  11. "Law of Cybernetic Entomology"
    There is always one more bug.

  12. "Law of Drunkedness"
    You cannot fall off the floor.

  13. "The Law of Management"
    The first myth of good management is that it exists.

  14. "Osborne's Law"
    Variables won't -- constants aren't.

  15. "Washington's Law"
    For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.

[ Author Unknown -- from 'Buffalos Chips' ( ]


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