Things Learned at Bible School
With your eyes closed for prayer, anything can happen in
a room full of preschoolers.
Prayer requests reveal a lot about parents.
A fire extinguisher is a handy device.
Helium tanks should be chained down tightly.
Cheap glue adheres to skin.
Kool Aid and song motions do not mix.
Grand pianos are not as durable as you might think.
Church maintenance men do not have a sense of humor.
Offering money always rolls to the other side of the
room when dropped.
Ushers do not have a sense of humor.
There IS a doggie Heaven.
Parachute games should not be used in a room with
a chandelier.
Animal crackers can be sneezed out the nose.
Girls are superior to boys.
There are good reasons why pastor's kids have a
bad reputation.
Helium intoxication does not render respect in
a staff meeting.
[ Author Unknown -- from Aiken Drum ( ]
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