Proper Motivation
A few minutes later another man cutting through the cemetery fell victim to the same grave. He, too, tried desperately to climb and claw his way out, and he was equally unsuccessful. As he was about to give up in hopeless resignation, he heard a voice from the darkness of his pit: "You'll never get out of here." He did!!! He just needed the proper motivation! And in this case, a shot of fear did the trick! But when it comes to finding the motivation to do most worthwhile things, his example is the exception. I am learning that the best motivation, whether I want to accomplish a task, go back to school, start something new or kick a habit, usually comes from the inside. To be successful, I must WANT to do it. Others may certainly help in their encouragement or in "pumping me up," but, in the end, I will usually be successful only if I have enough desire. |