Deep in our hearts, we long to be significant. We want our life to matter. We
want our presence here to mean something. This is not some self-seeking
maneuver to be in the spotlight, but to ensure that our time on earth was
used effectively to bless others and bring glory to God. However, in a world
of over six billion people, it's hard to feel very significant or to think
you've made much of an impact with your life!
As our understanding of the enormity of the universe expands, we find it even
harder to believe that our presence means much in the scheme of things --
after all, we're just one person, from a small blue planet, in the middle of
such an enormous and unfathomable universe. Stack on top of this the
culturally entrenched assumption that human beings are only a chance
distillation of random genetic mutations scattered over billions of years,
and it's easy to become convinced that we struggle with significance and
sanctity of human life.
The Bible, of course, is full of affirmations that God knows us personally.
If God knows about falling sparrows and the number of the hairs on our head,
then surely he knows us individually (Matthew 10:29-31). But how do we
existentially experience this truth? How do we move our knowledge down from
our head to the core of our souls? How do we silence the voice of
insignificance that screams in our heart when life is tough and doubt colors
each breath?
That's where the Psalms can come to the rescue. While we may intellectually
accept the proclamations of Scripture that we are important to God, we often
need to experience this truth. The Psalms are a collection of Spirit-inspired
prayers, praises, complaints, and cries for help. They cover the gamut of
human emotions. Most importantly of all, they give us words to let our
current emotional and physical conditions find articulation before God and
with others. We can be honest with God in the presence of others while being
connected to the great line of faithful witnesses who have said these words
before. In addition, we get to say many of these Psalms from a first person
perspective, driving home the point that these are not just community truths,
they are personal realities as well.
"The Lord is MY shepherd... he leads ME... even though I walk
through the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. ...your rod and
your staff comfort ME." "Your hand will guide ME, your right hand
will hold Me fast... you created MY inmost being; you knit Me
together in MY mother's womb... Search ME, O God, and know MY
These incredibly honest and personal words from Psalms 23 and 139 are just a
small taste of what the Psalms offer us. This God-approved songbook allows us
to personally worship. The Psalms remind us that God wants our relationship
with him to be personal, genuine, and honest as we reverently approach him in
We are not just part of a herd or a flock, but we are known to God personally
by name (John 10:3, 14). He has chosen to come live inside us by his Spirit
(1 Corinthians 6:18-19) and to give us specific gifts to bless his people (1
Corinthians 12; Romans 12; Ephesians 4; 1 Peter 4). Even in those moments
when we can't articulate what is on our hearts, he uses this powerful
Presence in us to intercede with "sighs too deep for words" conveying our
needs "according to the will of God" (Romans 8:26-27).
So if you catch yourself wondering about your significance, I encourage you
to open up God's songbook, the Psalms. Begin to read looking for the words
that give your heart a voice. As you read, let God remind you that he knows
your heart and longs to remind you that you have significance as his child --
a child he knows, loves, and in whom he lives.
Oh yeah, one final thing. If you are personally significant to God, then he's
got a plan and purpose for you. So don't just sit there. Significant people
do significant things to bless others and glorify God. When they do, they
experience God's presence and their own significance by being used for his
[ by Phil Ware (c) 2000 Heartlight, Inc. -- from 'Heartlight Magazine', via Keith Todd ]
Inspirational Messages
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