A Prayer of Faith
"When you pray for rain,
take along an umbrella."
~Source unknown
We know
You're in control, dear Lord,
we know
he's in Your care...
and so it's with
the utmost trust
that we request
this prayer.
Please grant us peace
when there is doubt,
please cast out
every fear...
when we are prone
to court despair,
remind us
You are near.
Please teach us, Lord,
to lean on You
when cares
become too much...
surround us
with Your strength and love,
renew us
with Your touch.
Please guide
the surgeon's hands, dear Lord,
please grant him
all Your skill...
and thank You, now,
ahead of time...
knowing, Lord,
that You will.
...before they call,
I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking,
I will hear."
(Isaiah 65:24 KJV)
[ by: Connie Hinnen Cook (cjcook@mynewroads.com) -- from Connie Hinnen Cook ]
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