A True Friend
Or like a warm fireplace when troubles leave us cold. A friend is like a burst of sunshine, on a gray day... or like a fragrant yellow rose, in all it's sweet array. Friends don't need to say a word, just being there is enough... It means we aren't alone again, when the going gets too tough! A friend is a warm hug, a hearty laugh, A friend is a pleasant smile... A friend takes us by the hand, as we trudge another weary mile. Sometimes life is so beautiful, sometimes it's full of stress... A good friend knows what we need, and is there to encourage and to bless. Treasure the friends you have, and you be a good friend, too... Reach out to the hurting, As someone reached out to you. Bow down in reverent thanksgiving, praise our King of Kings... He died on that old cross, for the friendship that He brings... |