Build It… And He Will Come!
When your thinking of jumping into a relationship, It will approach when least expected so keep your heart true . Don’t rush into a relationship because you’re lonely & scared. For that type of love rarely works out as you must be aware. Keep building the goodness inside of you ‘til your day is done. Be the very best you can be and true love will shortly come. Love yourself so others will see there’s so much of you to love. Fill your spirit with joy and kindness, gifts from the Lord above. For what you’re doing is sending rays of love out into this land. Your spirit will touch many souls, including this special man. Give him all the love you have, hold back nothing inside. And you will have a whirlwind love, an ocean of high tide. So wait my friend for this special love, it will find a way. For it will break down love’s barriers, by loving tender rays. Once he finds you, never let him go, hold on as tight as you can. For God will award you the joys in life and that God given man.
~ Bonnie May ~ Bonnie was born in Shamokin, Pennsylvania in 1945. Poetry has been her passion for 50 years and she has had many of her poems published. She wrote a children's story as a senior in high school, that was later published as: "The Tale of a Rabbit's Tail." Since then she has published: "Grandpa, When Animals Die, Do They Go to Heaven," children's book and two poetry books, "My Heart Wants to Tell You" and "MY HEART WANTS TO TALK! TALK! TALK!." These books can be purchased through