
Salute to my Commanding Officer in The Lord's Army

The other day I received a gift:
a beautiful watch
in the shape of a cross,
In recognition, of my promotion,
It was given to me
by my boss.
It had been made-to-order;
created just so, and definitely,
fit, just for me
It had a sterling silver cuff-band
that simply caressed
my wrist, harmoniously!
So now, on every occasion
when I am given to
checking the hour,
I will bless my boss when I see the cross,
remembering, how Jesus
gave it its power!
Therefore, will I recall,
even amidst the daily grind, commotion,
and common upheaval,
The fact that Christ died for me:
a reminder to redeem the time,
for the days... they are evil.

“See to it then, that you walk circumspectly;
not as fools, but as the wise,
redeeming the time, for the days are evil.”
Ephesians 5:15-16

“Whatever you do, do it heartily,
as unto the LORD,
and not to mere men.”
Colossians 3:23

~ Rhonda S. Galizia ~
Copyright © 2007
All Rights Reserved.

"HE Writes the Words on My Heart!"
A Writing-Counseling Ministry for CHRIST in Prose, Poetry & Song
 Rhonda S. Galizia, 1992 Founder & Scribe Unto The LORD  Butterfly
   ~ St. Matthew 13:52 ~

[ By: Rhonda S. Galizia Copyright © 2007 ( -- submitted by: Ronda S. Galizia ]


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