Silver lining.

Every Cloud

          Every cloud has a silver lining,
          I know this to be true,
          Every time you see a sunbeam,
          They're shining back at you.

          When you see a rainbow,
          Its beauty bright and full,
          Remember that the rainbow
          Could ne'er be here at all...

          If it weren't for rainy days,
          Our world would never see;
          The splendor of a rainbow,
          God produced for you and me!

          Since every cloud has a silver lining,
          Every ray of sun is gold,
          A piece of Heaven here on earth,
          For us to keep and hold.

          Storms may come our way now,
          Days of dreary rain,
          We cannot know the reason behind them,
          It's something God can explain.

          When the path on which we tread,
          Is covered in blackest mire,
          It's then the Saviour holds us,
          And he will never tire.

          We may fall and stumble,
          When the road is dark as night,
          But to God that is no trouble,
          He is our very sight.

          We cannot see in darkness,
          As blind and helpless mice,
          We trip upon the stony path,
          Trouble holds us in a vice.

          Don't worry when the clouds,
          Overtake the sky,
          Behind every cloud,
          Is a sunbeam on the sly.

          Every cloud has a silver lining,
          Don't you know it's true?
          And the glory of the rainbow
          Is God smiling down at you.

~Rachel Marie Bentham~

[ by: Rachel Marie Bentham Copyright © 2008 ( -- submitted by: Rachel Bentham ]


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