His Awesome Presence
covered hills... Across the raging rivers, where icey waters spill. Beneath a sky-blue canopy, the suns sheds it's warm light... And beneath the dark clouds, they steal away our delight. But when we come to know Jesus, be the days dark or bright... We have the option, of always doing what is right. We can moan about our troubles, we can hide behind our fears... But when we walk with Jesus, our pathway becomes more clear. We can jump the highest hurdles, and swim the widest streams... Our Savior is an awesome presence, who conquer's evil schemes. He suffered great anquish, upon Calvary's dark cross... But when He died for us, we won the battle, evil lost! He leads us through green valleys, and He melts the snowy heart... His love will conquer armies, and cause our sadness to depart. He miraculously arose again, He lives in all believers... There's no room for worry or sin, only for loving achievers. |