Little Things Mean A Lot
Is it possible to alter the actions of school children; to take
the focus from bullying and tattle tales for inconsequential things to
that of filing positive reports on one another? Well one young woman
thought so and she worked all year to achieve this goal.
Laurie Braun, a concerned and caring individual, a woman with a
lot of imagination and the determination to make a difference, became
the igniting force behind an avalanche of kindness in a Canadian
Elementary school.
Laurie wanted to help the students to focus on positive actions and
positive words and after gaining the approval of the Principal, Laurie
developed and operated a program that would do just that. She set about
to inspire and motivate hundreds of children to file reports on one
another for their kind gestures, no matter how small the deed.
"The interesting thing about it all," says Laurie, "is that it truly
was the little things that they all began noticing."
She picked up two reports at random and read them. "When I was by
myself, Jeffry sat on the swing with me." "I slipped and cut myself on
the ice and Sara sat with me."
The stack of reports handed in by the children eventually soared into
the hundreds and then over the thousand mark.
"The children revealed a lot about what their concerns are during these
early school years. I saw a noticeable pattern regarding the reports,"
says Laurie. "They spoke a lot about their appreciation for being
included, their appreciation for having someone to play with and their
relief and appreciation when another student comforted them after a
The response was magnificent and participation of the students
increased weekly. Subsequently the load of volunteer work for this one
parent, increased in leaps and bounds. In one week alone, sixty reports
of kindness had been filed by students. "It became a challenge," said
Laurie, "to fit everything on the bulletin board and to keep it
sparkling and colorful. I think the kids loved the glitter of the
displays the most!"
Laurie devoted well over a hundred and seventy hours
working both at home and at the school to prepare materials
and build weekly displays to keep the children challenged.
The elementary school took on a conspicuous change. Kids were sharing
lunches and opening doors for one another. Kindness thrived! Even the
crossing guard at the cross walk was reported for her acts of kindness.
"The wonderful thing about this," commented Laurie, "was that the
report was put in by a youngster who was so shy he had never even
spoken to the crossing guard."
A child who held the reputation of being arrogant was suddenly helping
another clean out her desk. One lonely child reported on a classmate:
"When I needed a friend to play with, she was there."
The reports went up weekly but not just as ordinary reports, over the
weekend, the innovative and artistically inclined Laurie, chose a theme
so that every single report was set on special paper, highlighted with
sparkling glitter. One week she placed the names of the youngsters on
lightning bolts and another week every report was done on teddy bears
and another time, on little T-shirts, all hanging on a clothesline.
The bulletin board itself was always eye-catching and crowds gathered
so that soon parents, teachers and other staff were also gathering
around to see what was happening for the new week.
When the school year drew to a close, Laurie took each and every "good
deed" report filled in by the students and teachers and attached them
to one long continuous sheet of paper. This was to be the final
reminder to all, that little things do make a difference. She chose a
time when only teachers were at the school and she and her young
daughter literally wrapped the entire school walls with hundreds and
hundreds of kindness reports.
What was it that motivated this young woman? She says, "it all came
about because I could see some of the younger children in the
elementary school were worrying over bullying. Others concentrated too
much energy on reporting the wrong choices of others. I was looking for
something to counteract this when I came up with the idea of reporting
one another on acts of kindness. I sincerely believed and still do that
an act of kindness should receive ten times the attention given to a
deed that came about because of wrong choices. I wanted my program to
encourage both students and adults to focus on the positive, on what is
appreciated, not what is annoying or hurtful."
The program also had some unforeseen side benefits. The reports often
indicated when problems were at hand and then Ms. Braun was able to
alert the school authorities. "I noticed one week that many of the
reports spoke of a children being helped up after falling on the ice."
I contacted the school and they were able to alleviate the ice
On the final day for that school year Laurie asked the principal if the
children could leave their classrooms and walk about to view this huge
accumulated list of their good deeds and thoughtfulness. The children
were told that any repots which featured their name could be taken home
as souvenirs.
Laurie watched as the excited students gathered around the reports,
first reading, then commenting and remembering and finally reaching to
retrieve the reports to take them home as mementos.
"I watched those youngsters that day and felt so proud of their
accomplishments. I thought, look at the huge quantity of kindness you
gave to one another. You all noticed even the smallest of gestures and
you have made such a difference in the lives of one another."
Choked with emotion Laurie felt the glistening of tears and an
overwhelming warmth of pleasure for the success of her quest.
Is it possible to alter the actions of school children; to
take the focus from bullying and from being a bearer of
tattle tales for inconsequential things, to that of filing
positive reports on one another? Laurie had proven
that anything is possible when you dare to follow your dreams.
Laurie Braun McCarty had an idea and a goal and all had come to
fruition. Choked with emotion on that magnificent day, she smiled
as she watched the children laugh and reminisce and Laurie knew
that something wonderful had been started.
By: Ellie Braun-Haley
Ellie Braun-Haley wrote this story about her middle child. She says,
"I've always been amazed at Laurie, at her resilience and her
determination. I'm proud of her for her willingness to share with
others and for the care she demonstrates toward family, friends and
even strangers."
Braun-Haley lives in Central Alberta. She has a number of stories and
books published and is the author of "A Little Door A Little Light" a
book she was challenged to write following the death of her 17 year old
son, Jason." Ellie presents talks on the material from the book, hoping
to help ease the pain of others due to a death. She can be reached at:
[ By: Ellie Braun-Haley © Copyright 2004 ( -- Submitted by: Ellie Braun-Haley ]
Inspirational Stories
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