Why Are You Afraid?
It's not that I didn't know this already.
Our two dogs, Ricky and Lucy have been
with us for about ten years. Phil, our youngest
is about three years old.
Whenever thunder storms approach long
before we are aware of them, my dogs begin
to sense them.
Sensing them means that they begin to hide,
shake and I am almost guaranteed that they
won't eat as well.
When we know in advance, we will make every
effort to take them into the yard a number of times
to do their thing because once the storm is here,
fear steps in where nature's calling ends.
So you would think by now this was all just part
of our lives and it is, but then there was the
July 4th fireworks and a storm.
It brought to light a new revelation.
Ricky and I sat down to "talk."
Well, I talk, he listens. Of course, I am not
totally sure he is listening. Marianne has that
same look on her face we she "listens" to me.
Experience has proven that she doesn't listen,
she just tries to survive the talk.
Anyway, it was my recent conversation with
Ricky that it dawned on me. Dogs aren't the
only ones who have unreasonable fears.
"Ricky, you've been through these storms so many
times before and nothing bad has happened to you,"
I said.
"It's just sound" I reasoned. "Sound has never harmed
He continued to shake a bit.
"I haven't let anything happen to you and I won't."
His eyes began to roam as he scanned the room for
a quick exit.
My wife does that, too, but at least she nods her head
faking agreement and understanding periodically.
Suddenly I had this "Ah Ha" moment.
People do the same thing. We fear things that we have
no real knowledge of or past bad experience with and
build upon that fear without logic.
"It's how I feel." That's the basis for many limitations
we've come to call failures in our lives.
There's no real proof, no statistical data indicating that
we should fear going back to school, moving, starting a new
job, asking for a raise, taking a stand in a family situation
that may not be the most popular,or a thousand other things.
"Why aren't you doing this?"
"I don't know, but it's how I feel."
That's what Ricky was saying to me.
How do I know?
I speak "dog" in several breeds.
No,because dogs just don't have the ability to find
logical alternative choices.
We do.
So, next time you find yourself sitting there strapped by
fear knowing logically that you shouldn't be, picture me
talking to Ricky... or Marianne.
Know that you do have better choices, higher intelligence
and the ability to take control of a situation and rise
above it all.
Research it, find the statistics that support your choice,
talk to others who have similar experiences and face the
storm that has kept you indoors and under the couch.
Just don't sit under a tree when there's lightening. That's a
proven fact.
Now, it might storm this afternoon. I better get the dogs out.
"I wish you enough!"
~ Bob Perks ~
Good news - Bob Perks' first book, "I Wish You Enough," Embracing Life's Most Valuable Moments... is now available for ordering. Here's the "Link"
to get your copy of Bob's book: I Wish You Enough from Amazon.com.
[ by: Bob Perks
Copyright © 2011 (2believe@comcast.net) -- {used with permission} ]
Inspirational Stories
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