“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” – Pablo Picasso

It can seem we are pulled in so many different directions. Sometimes, it becomes so much that we can forget the direction we intended for our lives. So, that begs the question: when you’re lost, what reminds you who you are?

Your purpose is something that is solely yours. No one else can take it away or change it. But, it’s also up to you to discover it.

Do you feel lost? That’s okay. It happens to all of us. In the words of C.S. Lewis, “Courage, dear heart.”

Your journey for discovering purpose begins here. No matter what season you are in, there is meaning and purpose ahead.

So, start here. Remind yourself who you are. You have a gift to give this world no one else has. A voice to share that needs to be heard.

You are not lost, you are just afforded this moment to stop, look around, and catch your breath. Find your meaning. Share your purpose.

You are a skywriter, and the time is coming to paint the sky with the gifts that are in your heart. The world changes when we share our gifts.