Tis the season. What does that mean to you?

This time of year always has the air filled with words that have meanings far beyond their appearance:







With a season and time of year as endowed with such words, the question must be asked: what if we took these offerings of hope and peace throughout our year? What if they sang throughout our lives? What if every day could be entrenched and empowered with these wonderful things?

Take the season of Christmas into your life. Let’s become a culture of people who share hope, joy, and faith with each other. Let’s bring peace into the lives of others by being the light we know the world needs. It begins with this season of perpetual hope.

We can bring that hope all year long. We can be just like the trees that we have paraded into our home and decorated : Evergreen. Perpetually green no matter what the season may be.

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays! May this season be just the beginning of us bringing hope to the world around us!

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