Every life on this earth is mapped out like a mountain range, with the foothills, valleys, and summits ahead. The hope and glory inside of every life is different because that light reflects where each traveler decides to rest or quit or press on.

The valleys have their own difficulties. They seem never-ending and, for many, are soul-crushing and a place where many decide to stop. These low points in life are not where we were destined to stay, but where we were meant to grow and learn and be strengthened by the low points. If you’re in the valley, the mountaintop awaits you.

The foothills are places to remind us that we can; laden with small victories and greater glimpses at the summits we can reach if we keep going. If you’re in the foothills, keep going.

The summit is the most difficult place to reach. Only meant for those who never stopped, who never quit, and who fought for every inch of their lives. We can all get to our summits. We all have different summits. They are magical. The view is meant for just us to see.

So, this road through the mountain range lays out before you. What path will you choose? Will you keep going?

Here you are. Don’t stop. The summit awaits, and it was built just for you. Keep going.