At the end of your life, what will those at your funeral say about you?

Stories will be shared; some tears, some laughter. Those who loved you will miss you.

On that day, how will you be remembered?

Greatness will never be found in fortunes or mansions or fame. Every possession can be sold, money can be spent, fortunes can be forgotten in an instant. A true legacy can only be built on what you gave away, on how you made others feel.

Did you show up for them?

Were there moments spent watching the sun set together?

Did you share your dreams?

Did you wipe away tears?

Were you the strong one when everything was going wrong?

Were you a shoulder to cry on?

Did you bring peace into a room of chaos?

At the end of the day, were you there for people? Those around you and those you barely know?

The challenge this week is to look at ourselves and what we bring to the world around us. When we bring those wonderful things into the rooms and places we go – love, kindness, hope, generosity, peace, humility, inspiration, truth – we make the world around us better. Those rooms and places become engulfed and the walls become painted with those wonderful things. The rooms of anger turn to peace. The walls of despair become hopeful. The pains of lies turn to comfort.

Your life is meant to exceed what you dream. Step into it. Be the change. Be the difference. Be the skywriting in the sky that speaks hope and truth and peace for all. We can change the world, and it begins where we are.

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