This past weekend the largest event in American sports transpired. It’s was a spectacle that captures the nation’s attention. It’s an event that is many years in the making every time. Like most events like it, there was a winner and a loser.

Those who failed to win the game are faced with questions of ‘what now’ and ‘how do they cope’.

This is a perfect allegory for our own lives. How many times have you fought for something that didn’t work out? It happens to all of us.

These words today are for you if you’ve failed before. These words today are for you if you’ve ever tried and come up short. These words are for you if you’ve ever gotten second place and felt the weight of defeat. Keep going.

Life is a lot like climbing a mountain. Even if you fail to reach the top, when you attempt to climb it again, you will have experience on the pathways that led you to the highest point you made it to before. You will have strength gained from the moments of struggle. You will have mental endurance because your mind has endured the hardships before. And anytime you navigate something once, it becomes more familiar each time. You grow. You learn. You become more diligent because what beat you before is more familiar and less intimidating now.

If there is a mountain before you, climb it. If you’ve failed it before, maybe now you’re ready to try again. All it takes is remembering where you’ve been, while keeping your eyes forward.

We become better when we refuse to let failure sink us. We become more ourselves when failure becomes the strength to face it again. The adversary becomes familiar and therefore more likely for you to conquer.

Keep going. There are mountains to be climbed.

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