The people in our lives, who most influence us, leave indelible marks. There are parts of each of us that have been completely constructed by the effect of someone else in our lives. Our courage. Our heart. Our tenacity. Our humility.

Some of the greatest parts of you are built through the effect of others. And that makes this life a beautiful canvas on which we all paint a part of each others’ lives.

I had an inheritance from my father,

It was the moon and the sun.

And though I roam all over the world,

The spending of it’s never done.

Ernest Hemingway

You are a beautiful work of artwork, no matter what you think of yourself. And there are wondrous parts of you that are dying to get out and make their mark on the world.

No one goes on, but what we leave behind keeps us alive for someone else.

Adam Silvera

Look at your life and the mark you are leaving. You will be known by the fruit that you bear.

When you hear the word “legacy” and some of these quotes above, you immediately thought of someone, whether they are in your life, or have left this mortal coil. That image of them points to some great things that you were blessed enough to experience.

What did you admire about them? What were they great at? How did they make you feel?

Listen close, all of those wonderful things are gifts that they have given to you.

Those gifts are meant for you – meant for you to carry on and to pass on to the generation that follows.

Let’s take hold of those glorious gifts that we cherish in our heart and make sure the world is filled with those tributes to those who changed us forever.

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