Everything of value in this world will cost you. And the price will normally reflect the value to you.

This season is about service and sacrifice. Living a full life will require sacrifice because love requires sacrifice. It requires selflessness. And it can only exist outside of selfishness.

There is a man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you.

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Are you living a life of love or a life of selfishness? Are you fulfilled?

Which is more satisfying – for you to get everything you want and those around you to suffer, or for them to get all they desire and you get less?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years on this planet, it’s that the happiest and most fulfilled people are those who devoted themselves to something bigger and more profound than merely their own self-interest.

John Glenn

Spring brings with it Easter and the holiday is reflective of God sacrificing for Creation. Regardless of what you believe, that model transcends and amplifies what sacrifice, and phrases like “greater good”, truly mean. Life isn’t about collecting things for ourselves, but sharing them, and beyond that thought, that others happiness is and can be greater than our own. Because when those we love are happy, our sacrifice is never empty, but fulfilled and completed.

Skywriters, this world needs selflessness more and more every day. If you feel empty, maybe it’s time to serve others. If you feel alone, maybe it’s time to give. There are great things to be made in this world and it begins with us and how we treat others.

Selflessness makes the world better every time. Serving others is far more fulfilling than you can imagine. It’s a gift that never stops giving.

Overcome selfishness and see how beautiful life really can be.

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