Character can not be taught. It is built in every small battle, victory and defeat in life. We decide through a series of small actions who we really are by what we choose.

So, who are you?

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

Marcus Aurelius

Are you the same person around everyone? And not only that, but do you hold onto the same integrity in every situation? For instance, are you calm and understanding around some people, yet when you get behind the wheel of a car you become a Mr. Hyde of road rage?

Integrity, the true form and essence of what good character consists of, doesn’t ask that we be perfect. That is impossible. Integrity asks that when we fall down, we get back up.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

Albert Einstein

Honesty, integrity, character – when these traits are laid out, who do you think of? Who embodies those characteristics in your life?

Are they perfect? I didn’t think so.

But the fact that you can think of someone who has those traits running through their head and heart means that it is possible.

At the end of all things, we all want to be remembered as someone with character not someone who only played a character.

Time and this life are so very valuable and fleeting, so let’s make the most of every minute we are given.

Be honest. Tell the truth. Do the right thing. Show kindness. Live up to the character that is within you. The world is watching and needs every second we can give.

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