In this life, you can make more money, but you can not make more time. So make use of what you have.

You can achieve things, but in order to leave indelible marks on the world, you must grow in character.

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

Stevie Wonder

Diamonds grow over time and through great pressure, so it is with every ounce of integrity and character you will ever have.

For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are.

C.S. Lewis

Through the course of your life, you will ask yourself thousands of times whether a choice is worth it. You will weigh the pros and cons. You will consider the cost. The greatest decision you make will be to endure the trials and struggles of life with character – every ounce growing through every obstacle – or to lay down, to turn the other way or quit. One way grows you as a person, the other destroys you every step you take away from the test.

So, will it be worth it? Will it cost too much? You decide.