Sometimes, the greatest enemy to our own progress is ourselves. We count every misstep we have made. We discredit ourselves. Our heads calls us an imposter. We keep a record of our wrongs and don’t forgive ourselves.

Those actions of reflecting on the past keep us from moving forward into the future.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.


The funny thing about time is that the past is past us, the future is what lies ahead. And when the past is laid upon our backs as a weight keeping us from taking the next step, we hurt the now and block the future.

How you speak to yourself carries a lot of weight for how you will step into the future. Forgive yourself.

Step into the now with each step being one that makes you better. We were created to change and grow and heal. So, let yourself heal.

The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.

Paulo Coelho

Now is when we grow. The future contains who we are becoming. Grace for your past allows for healing in the now, which allows for limitless growth in the future.

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

Albert Einstein

You aren’t in the ground yet, so live this day. Heal this day. Stand up. Move forward. Grow.

The sky is not a limit, but the place to write a new future among the stars.

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