Turns out, it’s far too easy to quit.

In this life, you will have trouble. That is an understatement. Especially if you wish to make something of your life.

If you desire to be great, it will be difficult. The wonderful part of that: it will be worth it.

I know quite certainly that I myself have no special talent; curiosity, obsession and dogged endurance, combined with self-criticism have brought me to my ideas.

Albert Einstein

This life is for the living and succeeding and striving, and we can truly achieve anything, but we must be willing to stand when it’s tough in order to grow strong. This is where endurance grows. When it hurts, we build strength. When it’s too much and we keep going, we become unbreakable.

I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Are you going through a tough season of life? It will get better. You need only endure. That’s where the lesson lives and that is where the prize of strength resides.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, keep going. See the good in where you are. Feel the resolve in your head and heart. You are doing it. You are succeeding. Seasons of dark exist to show us the stars.