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This scene spells out the strength of Walt Whitman’s message in that short phrase. And as added bonus, if you haven’t partaken in Ted Lasso yet, the lessons and positivity in every episode are heartwarming to say the least. It might be some light in your life that you didn’t realize you needed.

We live in a world of judgment and we see every day how it tears and breaks people and things apart. The difference in being curious is we build instead of tear down.

We create connection instead of revenge.

We grow together and understand each other better instead of push away and build walls between us.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we took time to listen and learn? Perhaps even closer, wouldn’t you feel seen or heard if someone was taking the time to be there instead of pushing you away?

Maybe, just maybe, that change begins with us. Let us be curious. Let us bring light in the darkness. Let us be the ones who stop the demolition of those around us and begin to build and create worlds we could only dream of.

You were created to be curious. It’s time you tried it. The vast expanse of your heart that is prepared to grow will thank you.

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