We define ourselves through our actions. In our world, there are countless talkers, but very few doers. Which one are you?

The life we all wish to live is built through the steps we take. We become what we do everyday.

So, if you are feeling stuck, what are you doing to move forward? If you feel depressed, what steps are you taking to build positivity? Are you staying in the depression, or trying to surround yourself with the positive? Negative drowns in the presence of strong and continuous positivity.

Energy and persistence conquer all things.

Benjamin Franklin

What steps are you taking to become who you say you are?

We must be people of action, not just words. Maybe it’s time the talking happened after the fact. In other words, let’s not talk about it, let’s do it.

It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Nothing worth having is easy. So, your action is required.

Start now. Take that first step. Begin your day by achieving something – like making up your bed. Stop looking at the weight you wish to lose and begin walking daily, eating healthier. Don’t complain about lack of help out there for others, go and be that help.

Change begins with us. The only person in charge of your life is you. Go. Do. It’s time we start living.

The most excellent action is living to the fullest – in action and deeds first and foremost. Everything else flows from there.

You were created for this.

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