What are you waiting for?

Are you blooming where you are planted?

If you aren’t giving your best where you’re at, then you won’t be ready for the dream you’re holding onto.

We should always be growing, even if our situation isn’t great.

Did you take a loss or fail recently? Learn from it, then it wasn’t a loss or failure.

What happened to make you quit and settle for places you don’t belong?

If you are breathing, you can give your best. Serve others, help where you can, grow in skills you didn’t have before.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Mahatama Gandhi

Too often, we let a loss keep us from trying. So, start wherever you are and help those who are less fortunate than you. By doing this, you unlock more dreamers than you realize.

Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.

Og Mandino

Let us not stay down or lost, we find our ways back and deeper and closer with each step we take in helping others.

Keep going. All is not lost, it is just beginning.

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