
Blogs & Inspirations

Kindness is a Life Well Lived

Kindness is a Life Well Lived

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. - Sir Winston Churchill This world is every shade of color at once. There are dark days and there a bright glorious days. There are days of every color in between. Recently, there have been some huge...

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Thankfulness in the Now

Thankfulness in the Now

The moment you are living in is the one you will give the most attention to. Are you lost in the confines of the past? Are you fearful of thew future? Or are you celebrating the now? The mindset you choose will determine how each of these life eras effect you. Let's...

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You’re More Valuable Than You Could Know

You’re More Valuable Than You Could Know

Most of us know ourselves by the lists of things we are not, or by what you don't have. Let's change that perspective. There is only one YOU. There will only ever be one YOU. Instead of comparison to others, lets celebrate each other. Let that celebration begin with...

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Latest Positive Playlists

 Feel free to share music that motivates and encourages you. Send us your suggestions to add to our Spotify Playlist. We add new music every week and will be making new playlists all the time! So, let us know your favorite artists and songs!

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