Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

There is something powerful in belief.

When we believe in ourselves, we push past limits and achieve. When we believe in good things coming into the world, we can find ways to make them happen. When we believe in each other, we help each other succeed.

The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.

Oscar Wilde

When all we see is our past and our failures, then we don’t stand up to achieve. When we judge others by the snapshot we see of them, we condemn them to only be that snapshot, and we learn nothing.

There is growth only in places where belief drives us. Believe that it can all get better. Believe that there is more. Believe in each other.

This how our pasts heal. This is how we connect and grow. This is how the world gets better.

May this day be what you make of it. If it’s rough, start believing in the better.

After all, we only see what we focus on. And we only become what we dare to believe we can be.

It’s time we believe in magic, so we can see it in action.

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