Life has happened to you.

There have been failures, triumphs, pain, happiness, defeats, trials, joys, hurts, trauma, love, death, hatred, sunshine, dark nights, quiet, promises and far more than words could ever capture. You have lived.

With life, there comes trouble and that means there has been a roller-coaster of emotions and depth of feeling in most every turn.

These trials and troubles can have us lay down some of the deepest pieces of us. We can walk away from tenets of our deepest being because we hurt. So, the question is asked of you, where is your faith?

What drives you forward? What brings good out of you? What beckons you to leave the world better than you found it?

These questions must be answered in spite of what we have been through. Those that carry faith in something beyond themselves, those are the ones who endure the turmoil of this world.

Look deep within you. What brings you peace in the face of problems? Where is your heart allowed to stand fearlessly?

Take that deep look, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

When you do this inward dive, then the wonders ahead of you can be achieved. Then the road that was dark and formidable can be overcome. With faith, you can take the first steps towards becoming who you were created to be.

So, what is your faith in? And where did you leave it? Faith is what will get us through.

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