This world is filled with a trove of all things good and great, as well as bad and painful.

The thing that will help us wade through each and every endeavor is joy. Holding onto joy in each and every circumstance, knowing that the darkness will pass – and in most cases make us stronger, better, more complete -can lead to our greatest victories.

Things won are done, joy’s soul lies in the doing.

William Shakespeare

If you are in the dark times now, know the morning is coming. Know that better is ahead. It can’t rain all the time. The flowers need time to grow. And darkness is simply the absence of light, so it’s up to us to bring the light into those dark rooms.

Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home … it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.

Chuck Palahniuk

Today is the day you allow joy to be your continual habit in everything you do. Because each day we are allowed to choose – darkness or light. So, starting today, let joy lead your steps. When you do, you will find love and happiness bringing light to the places that formerly were so filled with darkness.

Keep going.

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