The moment you are living in is the one you will give the most attention to. Are you lost in the confines of the past? Are you fearful of thew future? Or are you celebrating the now?

The mindset you choose will determine how each of these life eras effect you.

Let’s live in the now – thankful for the good things we have, strong where we need to be, and hopeful for our blessings to increase in the days to come.

Let us not live fear-filled lives or sad present days. There is a time and place for all things, but it’s up to us to focus on what can better our lives.

There are far greater things ahead than any we leave behind.

CS Lewis

So where is your mind? Soaking in hope of good to come? Or drowning in the lies of the past and the fear of the future.

Let us change the outlook to the good. Let us live our lives abounding in hope.

You’ve come a long way. You’re here now. There are great things ahead. It begins with you.

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