We start here, or better said, we continue our journey in new ways, but with the same intention – to bring hope.

This website has been a vehicle of hope for so many for years and now we desire to continue that and bring forth some new ideas and iterations of the same values and direction our predecessor left for us.

So, what does hope mean to you? What brings you great hope and peace?

In times of great trouble and seasons of despair, we have been reminded of the hope taught to us through some influential people in our lives – never give up.

This simple anecdote is easier said than done. It would be far easier, in some views, to lay down the burden and turn the other way. But, the truth is that great strength is built only through great resistance. As the saying goes “A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.”

So, what areas in your life need the most strength? Where are you struggling the most?

Let’s share our journeys together. We look forward to sharing more with you as we learn how much hope, truth and peace, that together, we can write on the sky.