Every step you take is the beginning of a journey. The past is nothing you can control.

Donald Miller

For so many of us, we are our own worst critics. We seem to remember every misstep with laser accuracy. Our faults are seemingly laid in front of us every time we attempt to step out of the norm we have created for ourselves.

There is a cure for this disease though – grace.

We seemingly forget that the past truly is past. The next steps we take can grow from the knowledge of the missteps we’ve had before. But far too often, we allow those missteps to prevent steps forward.

We invite you to look at the word – grace. One of the many definitions of this word is synonymous with courteousness.

Maybe that’s too simple of definition, but for us, we need to be courteous with ourselves about what has happened and learn to grow from it.

Start today. Forgive yourself for some little funny things you may not do correctly. And grow from it, by doing those little funny things better the next time.

When we start giving ourselves grace, we allow ourselves the courtesy to continue forward and accept that we can’t be perfect. No one is.

You’ve got this. Bring in grace and take that next step with more confidence. You won’t always succeed, but you will learn to move forward in ways you only dreamed of.

Keep going. Let grace lead.

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